LiU Challenge - 2023

Solutions can now be found: here

LiTHe kod are proud to once again be part of Swedish Coding Cup with LiU Challenge 23. LiU Challenge 23 is a competetive programming contest consisting of problems concieved by LiU students. LiU Challenge is an open contest where you can compete against the best problem solvers in Sweden to determine whose keyboard prestidigitation is the finest!

When? - 15 April, 12.00 intro. Competition start 13.00
Where? - Ada Lovelace, B-huset on campus, door 27
How? Remote or on-site

Contest URL -

Competitors on-site can get food/compete for prices by registrating here

1st place: SEK 2,500
2nd place: SEK 1,500
3rd place: SEK 1,000

All questions will be answered by email

Competition timetable 15 April


The competition will be hosted on Kattis and look very similar to prior competitions in SCC, e.g. liu-challenge-19.

Competitors will be given 3 hours to solve 5 tasks. You may use your own computer for the competitions, or if you have a valid LiU account use the computers in the labs.

There will be food for competitors on-site.

Special thanks to the organizers and the problem setters.

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-10-24